Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Kiwis for Kiwi

We are officially in Save Kiwi Month and we think that's something worthy of making noise about.

Our national icon needs saving now. Currently, 95% of kiwi chicks die in the wild. If nothing is done, our children could be the last generation to see kiwi in their natural habitat. Don’t let our kids grow up without kiwi.

A donation can help kiwi conservationists across New Zealand to carry on their dedicated work in the field – trapping predators, monitoring kiwi, protecting kiwi habitats and educating communities. $100 will save a kiwi by providing predator control for an entire year! It's not much if you can rally a group of friends to donate too.

Head over to the website. There is a video and a lot of information all about the cause. Plus you can even download a individual, school or business fundraising toolkit! Kiwis for Kiwi! We can do this!

Below are our cute kiwi but we are very worried they might be the only guys still hanging around 10 years from now.

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